Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Designer: Andrew Zheng

Add the loose tealeaves to the glass container and pop the cap on it and load it into the water filled kettle. Place your turtle kettle on the stove, set the timer on the cap, and wait for the ring. The glass container has very small machined holes so that the tea can be infused properly without moving about in the water. So after when you pour your tea to drink it, you won’t be sucking in the bits of tea leaves.
Designer: Andrew Zheng

front: 'blow away' vase and chess table for moooi

'karton chair' by florian kallus

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Cover Girl: Anime

Advertising Agency: Grey, Argentina
Executive Creative Directors: Pablo Gil, Sebastian Garin
Creative Director: Diego Rubio, Coco Olivera
Copywriter: Gustavo Botte, DarĂ­o Porterie
Art Director: Federico Braga
Illustratior: Maximiliano Braga, Turi
Cover Girl: Anime

Design by emfaruq. All Rights Reserved.