Jumat, 30 November 2007

USB Battery Charger

USB Battery Charger

Solar cells convert ghostlike photons to electricity, thermal energy can be extracted from the null-space between atoms, and some entrepreneurial geeks have even been known to capture and store power from phone lines. Whether you're harvesting energy for good or for awesome, power is everywhere just waiting to be tapped.

Let's face it, your high-tech geek lifestyle is dependent on electricity...juice, watts, fuel, go-stuff, motion-potion, what have you. Extracting it from the wall is sure efficient, but where's the fun in that? Sitting in that rather innocent looking socket you call a Universal Serial Bus lies 2500 sweet sweet milliamps just waiting to be tapped, and the folks at ThinkGeek Power Solutions can put those electrons to use.

USB Battery Charger

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